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ABC General Stationery 2020

P.O. Box 144345, Austin, TX 78714-4345
Phone: 512-926-4900 x129; Fax: 512-926-2345
Contact: Public Relations
Website: www.herbalgram.org

Press Release

Complete Digital Archive of HerbalGram Issues Now Available

AUSTIN, Texas (July 13, 2016) —The American Botanical Council (ABC) is excited to announce that every issue of HerbalGram, the nonprofit’s quarterly, peer-reviewed journal, is now available online. Going back to issue 1 from the summer of 1983, the newly updated archive includes 21 issues that have never been available in a digital format. The complete HerbalGram collection is available to ABC members at all levels.

All 110 issues of HerbalGram are now available as PDF files. Previously, only issues 85 through the latest issue were available in this format. The first 21 issues are available as PDF files only, while all subsequent issues also include HTML versions of individual articles. Issues 93 through the current issue are also available in a “page-flip” version, a reader-friendly format that was added to the ABC website in 2012

Hard copies of the previously unavailable back issues were shipped to the San Jose, California-based tech company 1DollarScan, where they were scanned and digitized. ABC Art Director Matthew Magruder then went through the process of cleaning up the PDFs, resizing them to make them more web-friendly, and uploading them to the website.

“Through the process of prepping and digitizing, I really enjoyed getting a chance to look through the extensive back catalog, and am quite pleased that we can offer our members the complete HerbalGram archive,” said Magruder.

A subscription to HerbalGram is included with all ABC memberships. Find out more about the perks of joining ABC on our website.

About the American Botanical Council

Founded in 1988, the American Botanical Council is a leading international nonprofit organization addressing research and educational issues regarding herbs, teas, medicinal plants, essential oils, and other beneficial plant-derived materials. ABC’s members include academic researchers and educators; libraries; health professionals and medical institutions; government agencies; members of the herb, dietary supplement, cosmetic, and pharmaceutical industries; journalists; consumers; and others in more than 81 countries.

The organization occupies a historic 2.5-acre site in Austin, Texas, where it publishes the peer-reviewed quarterly journal HerbalGram, the monthly e-publication HerbalEGram, the weekly e-newsletter Herbal News & Events, HerbClips (summaries of scientific and clinical publications), the quarterly Botanical Adulterants Monitor, reference books, and other educational materials.

ABC is also the managing partner of the ABC-AHP-NCNPR Botanical Adulterants Program, an international consortium dedicated to education regarding quality control of herbs, botanical extracts, and essential oils. ABC also hosts HerbMedPro, a powerful herbal database, covering scientific and clinical publications on more than 250 herbs. ABC also co-produces the “Herbal Insights” segment for Healing Quest, a television series on PBS.

ABC is tax-exempt under section 501(c)(3) of the IRS Code. Information: Contact ABC at P.O. Box 144345, Austin, TX, 78714-4345, Phone: 512-926-4900. Website: www.herbalgram.org. Contact: Public Relations.