ABC and SHP Present Free Webinars Covering SHP Toolkit, Ethnobotany, and More
The American Botanical Council and Sustainable Herbs Program are hosting a series of free webinars with leaders in the botanical community. Topics include the SHP Toolkit, a special Ethnobotany Series, and more. Read more here.
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BAPP Best Practices SOP to Prevent Resale of ‘Irreparably Defective Articles’ Available for Second Round of Industry and Public Comment
The ABC-AHP-NCNPR Botanical Adulterants Prevention Program (BAPP) has issued its second draft “Best Practices Contract Language and Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) Templates for the Disposal/Destruction of Irreparably Defective Articles.” The revised documents, which are intended for members of the herb, dietary supplement, food, and cosmetic industries, are open for public comment until December 14, 2020. Read more here.
Watch Webinar Recording for Adulteration and Fraud of Botanical Materials in the Global Botanical Marketplace
The recording for the November 9, 2020, ABC-AHP-NCNPR Botanical Adulterants Prevention Program webinar, made possible by SupplySide Network 365, on the adulteration and fraud of botanical materials is online now. The session includes presentations by ABC Founder and Executive Director Mark Blumenthal, ABC Chief Science Officer Stefan Gafner, and Health Business Strategies Founder Michael Levin. Watch the recording here and find timestamps for the presentations below.
Mark Blumenthal: BAPP Overview & Publications. [00:00 - 32:50]
Stefan Gafner: How Fraudsters Try to Fool Analytical Methods. [32:50 - 1:07:22]
Michael Levin: The BAPP Best Practices SOP for Irreparably Defective Articles. [1:07:22 - 1:35:25]
On October 25, 2020, the scientific journal Medicinal Research Reviews published a review entitled “Evolution of the adaptogenic concept from traditional use to medical systems: Pharmacology of stress‐ and aging‐related diseases.” This paper comes at a time when herbal adaptogens are becoming more widely used by proactive health consumers to deal with increasing mental and physical stress. Read more here.