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American Botanical Council

American Botanical Council

Mark Blumenthal




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Things to Know

Who is ABC?

A nonprofit organization that is passionate about helping people live healthier lives through the responsible use of herbs and other medicinal and beneficial plants.

For nearly 25 years, the American Botanical Council (ABC) has been an independent, nonprofit tax-exempt 501 (c)(3) research and education organization dedicated to providing reliable science-based and traditional information for consumers, healthcare practitioners, researchers, educators, industry professionals, and the media.

What does ABC do?

leaf2.pngSERVES members in more than 80 countries worldwide
leaf2.pngEDUCATES about the safe and effective use of medicinal plants
leaf2.pngADVOCATES responsible herbal production and use
leaf2.pngADVISES the media on emerging herbal science
leaf2.pngPROMOTES a healthier world through responsible herbal use

ABC provides reliable information that can help you in your personal and/or professional interests, including making informed decisions that help you live a healthier life through the responsible use of medicinal plants.

For professionals in related fields, discover how herbs and related plant-based products can fit into your professional practice or research.

You can explore ABC's databases and information-rich website through our series of Help Videos.

How can I learn more about Herbs and Herbal Medicine?

Join ABC! You’ll have access to members-only sections of the website which include searchable databases; articles on herbs from past issues of our journal, HerbalGram; news about cutting-edge research; critical reviews of important studies; careful evaluation of clinical trials; new trends in the herbal and natural products community; and much more.

Take a quick listen to how ABC members use these valuable resources every day:

Why choose an ABC membership?

As a nonprofit organization, ABC depends on members to support our educational programs. In exchange, ABC members receive many valuable benefits including:
  • a subscription to HerbalGram, the acclaimed quarterly journal of the American Botanical Council;
  • Monthly electronic updates;
  • access to the eight information-rich databases on ABC's website;
  • discounts on publications, and much more.
ABC Educational Projects

In addition to ABC’s many media education projects and talks given worldwide by ABC’s Founder and Executive Director Mark Blumenthal, ABC also researches and publishes information on pivotal issues in the herbal community.

For the last 18 months, ABC has been working on two important Herbal Supply Chain Integrity projects focusing on solvents and botanical adulterants. ABC will publish a reference book on the solvents used to create botanical extracts in late 2017. The Botanical Adulterants Prevention Program (initiated by ABC, the American Herbal Pharmacopoeia, and the University of Mississippi's National Center for Natural Products Research) has already published three articles on the subject and has several others in the works. ABC’s journal HerbalGram and monthly electronic newsletter HerbalEGram regularly publish articles important to the botanical community. 


Things to check out

NewUserspage_Hdrs_HG_sm.jpgABC's quarterly, peer-reviewed scientific journal. Enjoy a free article.

NewUserspage_Hdrs_HC_sm.jpgRead thoughtful summaries and critical reviews of current scientific literature.

NewUserspage_Hdrs_Ecards_sm.jpgSend beautiful, educational herbal e-cards.

NewUserspage_Hdrs_HEG_sm.jpgTake a peak at our members-only monthly newsletter.

NewUserspage_Hdrs_HI_sm.jpgLearn about common botanicals found in foods, medicine, and cosmetics.


Things to watch

ABC Founder and Executive Director Mark Blumenthal travels the world speaking about relevant herbal topics. Check out these segments from the PBS show Healing Quest:

More videos are available on the ABC YouTube channel.


Ways to connect


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