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Vitis vinifera is a woody climber in the grape family (Vitaceae) and is native to Europe and Asia. Grapes are nourishing and rich in antioxidants and the seed oil is a source of essential fatty acids and vitamin E.

The American Botanical Council (ABC) is passionate about helping people live healthier lives through the responsible use of herbs and medicinal plants. As an independent, nonprofit education organization, ABC is dedicated to providing accurate and reliable information for consumers, healthcare practitioners, researchers, educators, industry and the media.

Please enjoy this information on grape made available through the generosity of Natac’s adoption.





Additional ABC Grape Resources 


HerbalGram article


Grape Seed Profile. 2018; 119:8-14


HerbalEGram article


Food as Medicine: Grape (Vitis vinifera, Vitaceae). December 2015; 12(12).


Healthy Ingredients Grape profile


HerbClip reviews


Autophagy-stimulating Activities of Resveratrol Might Contribute to Mitigation of Alzheimer's Disease. HC# 101754-592, May 15, 2018.


Review of the Cardioprotective Effects of Resveratrol Reveals Inconsistent Findings in Clinical Trials, with Positive Results in Preclinical Trials. HC# 061737-586, February, 15, 2018.


Consumption of Alcohol and Red Wine, butt Not of Fruits, Vegetables, fish, or Dairy Products, Decreases Biomarkers of Cardiovascular Disease. HC# 061734-583, December 29, 2017.


Daily Grape Consumption Decreases Gene Expression Associated with Cell Signaling and Proliferation in Colon Cells of Healthy, Adult Subjects. HC# 081522-538, February 15, 2016.


Lifestyle Changes and a Daily Glass of Red Wine Do Not Adversely Increase Blood Pressure or Heart Rate in Patients with Arteriosclerosis, HC# 021413, July 15, 2014.


Levels of a Brain Protein Involved in Cognition Increased with Whole Coffee Fruit Concentrate Powder Supplementation, HC# 021324, May 31, 2013.


Review of the Potential Therapeutic Value of Red Wine Polyphenols in Alzheimer's Disease Prevention and/or Therapy, HC# 121214, March 15, 2015.


Resveratrol's Relevance to Cardiovascular Disease Prevention, HC# 101266, February 28, 2013.




Read the Press Release on Natac's adoption of the HerbMedPro Grape record.


Contact us for more information on ABC's Adopt-an-Herb Program