FWD 2 April Featured Book Excerpt

HerbalEGram: Volume 8, Number 4, April 2011

April Featured Book Excerpt

Botanical Medicine for Women's Health was written by Aviva Romm, MD, and published in 2010 by Churchill Livingstone. 720 pages. $59.95.

The month's excerpt comes from the winner of the American Botanical Council's 2011 James A. Duke Excellence in Botanical Literature Award—Botanical Medicine for Women's Health. Written by Aviva Romm, MD, this text features additional contributions from more than 30 leading herbal medicine experts.

Its pages consist of 5 main parts. The first section, "Foundations of Botanical Medicine," provides information on the history, fundamentals, and guidelines of herbal medicine with a special focus on herbal medicine for women. The second section, "General Gynecologic and Menstrual Health Concerns," discusses numerous conditions from acne to vaginal infections, and provides information on conventional treatment approaches, as well as botanical treatment strategies. The third section, "Fertility and the Childbearing Cycle," similarly covers all phases of pre-pregnancy, pregnancy, and post-pregnancy, and possible issues and botanical treatments. The fourth section, "the Menopausal Years," discusses conditions common during this life stage and helpful herbs. And the last section, "Plant Profiles," includes profiles detailing principle uses, clinical indications, and safety information for black and blue cohosh, chaste tree, and Dong quai, ginger, kava kava, red clover, St. John's wort, uva ursi, and wild yam.
©2011 Churchill Livingstone

An excerpt from Botanical Medicine for Women's Health features the book’s title page, foreword, preface, table of contents, and sections on chronic pelvic pain and urinary complaints. The book can be purchased on the publisher's website.