FWD 2 Botanical Adulterants Monitor

Upcoming Events

Below are descriptions and links to some of the upcoming conferences, seminars, and workshops that may be of interest to learn more on adulteration.

UNPA Dietary Supplement Analytical Summit

Salt Lake City, UT: November 5th-6th, 2015

The New York Attorney General’s (NY AG’s) investigations of botanical dietary supplements have triggered a national debate over dietary supplement quality, labeling, and analytical testing procedures. This two-day analytical summit will explain and examine critical issues, with the objective of arming attendees with the knowledge and insights needed to understand, adapt, and succeed in a very fast-changing and unsettling dietary supplement marketplace. Ample time will be provided for Q&A and general discussion.

Topics of discussion will be the current state of affairs concerning the NY AG investigations, GNC and Nature’s Way settlements and the status of plaintiff class-action litigation against retailers and companies, and other state attorneys general activities involving dietary supplements, quality testing, and consumer protection. Further topics include the strengths and limits of DNA barcoding and how it can be integrated with established dietary supplement testing procedures, how national retailers and brand leaders are being forced to become a new gatekeeper of quality and regulatory compliance, and how far DNA barcoding will go.

Featured speakers are Loren Israelsen (United Natural Products Alliance), Jim Sander (GNC), Guru Ramanathan, PhD (GNC), Lori Kalani (Cozen O’Connor’s State Attorneys General Practice), Joseph M. Betz, PhD (Office of Dietary Supplements), Brian Smith, PhD (PerkinElmer), Roy Upton (American Herbal Pharmacopoeia) Nandakumara Sarma, RPh, PhD (United States Pharmacopeia), John Travis, PhD (NSF International), Paula N. Brown (British Columbia Institute of Technology), James Neal-Kababick (Flora Research Laboratories), James Traub (Waters Corporation), Stefan Gafner, PhD (American Botanical Council), Élan Sudberg (Alkemist Labs), Aaron Secrist (NOW Foods), Michael McGuffin (American Herbal Products Association), and Ikhlas Khan, PhD (National Center for Natural Products Research, University of Mississippi).

For more information: https://unpa.com/events

USP Workshop on Adulteration and Fraud in Food Ingredients and Dietary Supplements PLUS Food Fraud Mitigation Course

Rockville, MD: December 2nd – 4th, 2015

Cosponsored by the ABC-AHP-NCNPR Botanical Adulterants Program and USP, this third USP workshop in a series of biennial workshops will bring together global experts to discuss the current state and necessary next steps to help protect public health from the risks of adulterated food and dietary supplements from economically motivated adulteration (EMA) and food fraud. Participants will obtain insights into the latest technologies, tools, and regulatory developments for dealing with EMA; learn about current and in-development USP standards and other tools for combating food and dietary supplement fraud; and participate in exchange about current needs and help shape the discussion of what is needed to help protect food and dietary supplement safety and integrity.

For more information: http://www.usp.org/meetings-courses/workshops/adulteration-and-fraud-food-ingredients-and-dietary-supplements