FWD 2 April Featured Book Excerpt

HerbalEGram: Volume 9, Number 4, April 2012

April Featured Book Excerpt

Nutritional Genomics: The Impact of Dietary Regulation of Gene Function on Human Disease was edited by Wayne R. Bidlack and Raymond L. Rodriguez and published in 2012 by CRC Press. 448 pages; hardcover. $139.95.

Since the sequencing of the human genome, the concept of personalized medicine has become more of a reality. The focus of this book is on one potential aspect of this new frontier: tailored nutrition based on one’s genetic makeup. Co-editor Wayne R. Bidlack, PhD, defines nutritional genomics in the book’s preface as “the study of the interactions between our genetic makeup and the foods we consume, and the health outcomes that may occur.” He continues, “The ultimate goal of nutritional genomics is to use whole foods in our diet to delay or prevent many of the catastrophic health outcomes that are currently overtaking our children.” Chapters in Nutritional Genomics are grouped into 3 sections: “Transforming Dietary Signals into Gene Expression,” “Gene-Linked Networks,” and “Food Needs to Meet Nutrigenomic Health Needs.”

An excerpt from Nutritional Genomics is available for HerbalEGram readers. It contains the book’s table of contents and preface, and Chapter 22, “Nutritional Genomics and the Future of Food Labeling in the United States.” The book can be purchased from the ABC online store

©2012 CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group, LLC. Reproduced with permission from the publisher.