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At the Epicenter Produces Regenerative Earth Interactive Workshops: Featuring Discussions Facilitated by Top Industry Leaders

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NPEW Anaheim, CA


At the Epicenter Produces Regenerative Earth Interactive Workshop: Featuring Discussions Facilitated by Top Industry Leaders
Thursday, March 8, 2018
2:30 - 4:00pm
Anaheim Marriott

Featuring top business leaders facilitating tabletop discussions, we’ll delve into regenerative approaches for retailers, brands, raw material suppliers, investors, farmers and nonprofits. Walk away inspired with a better understanding of pathways for collaboration, impact, and identifying business opportunities for building a Regenerative Economy. Anaheim Marriot during NPEW 2:30 - 4:00pm  More Information. 


The Business Case for Leading a Regenerative Movement
Friday, March 9, 2018
9:00 - 10:00am
Anaheim Marriott

The Business Case for Leading a Regenerative Movement panel brings Kyle Garner, CEO, Organic India, Errol Schweizer, Co-founder, Good Catch and Sarah Michelle Gellar, Co-founder, Foodstirs together with At the Epicenter’s Seleyn DeYarus, who will moderate a discussion about what it takes to follow through on a company’s decision to source regeneratively with price AND planet on the forefront of each choice in procurement, packaging and team development. Come be inspired about how your brand can drive change to grow a regenerative movement in food and agriculture. More Information.