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Understanding, Optimizing, and Maintaining the Bioregulatory Terrain

Start Date:
End Date:
Louisville, KY


This two-day conference is designed with workshops, plenary lectures, and a case presentation to allow a more in depth understanding of the principles and practices of bioregulatory medicine. A case presentation/patient will be evaluated through anamnesis, physical exam, contact regulation thermography, autonomic nervous system analysis with heart rate variability, Vega biofeedback testing, dental radiographs, laboratory hematology and chemistry, and functional laboratory testing. Traditional Chinese medicine meridian themes relative to the case presentations will also be discussed. Our panel of practitioners will set out a treatment plan that would include dietary considerations, nutritional supplementation, antihomotoxic therapies such as homeopathic and isopathic remedies, and other bioregulatory treatments relative to the individual. More Information.