Webinar - Leadership and Mission: Creating a Culture of Sustainability and Regeneration
Please note: the time zone for this event is Eastern Time.
Leadership and Mission: Creating a Culture of Sustainability and Regeneration: A Conversation with Sebastian Pole, Co-Founder, Pukka Herbs and Tal Johnson, CEO, Herb Pharm What does it take to create and nurture a culture of sustainability and regeneration within a company? What is the role of leadership? A strong and clear mission? How do certifications fit in? In this conversation, Tal Johnson and Sebastian Pole will discuss the responsibilities and challenges of bringing values into a business and maintaining those values, specific practices they have found to support individual and team creativity and growth, and the balance of staying true to the mission of a company and also evolve to continually meet changing circumstances. They will reflect on the lessons they have learned and the urgency of taking action.
Thursday, November 19, 2020