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Flower Essence Practitioner Training

Start Date:
End Date:
Manzanillo, Costa Rica


Centro AsheCentro Ashé is honored to host Flower Essence Practitioner and Community Herbalist Lupo Passero of Twin Star Herbs & Education for our first ever Flower Essence Practitioner Training.  Join us in the abundant Talamanca region of Costa Rica for this in depth immersion into flower essences.  While we will be working directly with the beautiful tropical flowers that surround us, participants will learn skills that are applicable across the globe. This course offers over 100 hours of in-depth flower essence training. Most of our time will be spent outside working directly with the abundant flowers and plants that surround us in coastal Talamanca. Students will go on to spend an additional 30 hours working directly with clients, learning how to confidently use flower essence therapy in a professional setting.

Topics covered include:

The History of Flower Essences, The teachings of Dr. Edward Bach, Local Plant and Woodland Essences, Methods of Choosing Essences, The Doctrine of Signatures, Plant Spirit Journey, Vibrational Medicine Making, Chakra Essence Therapy, Making Flower Essences in the Field, Ethically using the Essences, Essences in the healing practice, Monthly Healing Rituals, Supervised Clinical Consults & Setting up a flower essence practice. More information.