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Vermont Center for Integrative Herbalism Workshops with Julia Graves
Montpelier, VT


Vermont Center for Integrative Herbalism (VCIH) is hosting several workshops by Julia Graves, a German herbalist visiting from France. After drawing participants from all over New England and Canada during her visit to Vermont last summer, Julia is returning this June to lead several new workshops.

Julia Graves has studied massage and medicine in the European tradition and trained as a Gestalt Psychotherapist. She has worked for Findhorn Flower Essences and served as a flower essence practitioner and essence creator. Julia offers her own line of flower essences, The Lily Circle, as well as a kit of flower essences for Mayan Abdominal Massage. In 2010, Julia founded the Naturopathic Earthquake Relief Clinic, and headed the clinic in its three missions in Haiti. She is also author of The Language of Plants, a detailed guide to the doctrine of signatures.

On Monday June 17th, from 2-5pm, Julia will lead an exploration of the lost art of herbal preparations in her workshop titled The Herbal Vehicle: Best Deliver Methods for Optimal Effects. Participants will discover what the ancient Western herbals have to teach us about delivering herbs in specific ways for individual conditions. The cost for this workshop is $30 for VCIH members, $35 for non-members.

On Sunday, June 23rd, Julia is offering two herbal intensives: Musculo-skeletal Herbs (9-11:30am) and Head Trauma and Herbs (2-4:30pm). These two workshops can be taken individually or together for a comprehensive understanding of herbal support for injuries. Each workshop is $25 for VCIH members, $30 for non-members.

Julia will end her stay in Vermont with an herb walk on Monday June 24th, from 3-6pm, starting at VCIH. In The Language of Plants Herb Walk: Opening our Eyes to Nature, she will demonstrate the doctrine of signatures and other concepts in her book, The Language of Plants. Julia's herb walk is $30 for VCIH members, $35 for non-members.

For more information visit www.vtherbcenter.org; to register contact VCIH at 802-224-7100 or info@vtherbcenter.org

VCIH is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization dedicated to providing our community with healthcare resources grounded in Nature. We offer free and sliding-scale herbal consultations through our clinics, community workshops, and training programs for family and clinical herbalists.


Start Date: Monday, June 17, 2013
End Date:   Monday, June 24, 2013














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